Food vendors may apply for spaces on both July 3rd and 4th.
If you are requesting multiple locations on the 4th, please submit an application for each booth / food truck location.
If you are applying for a space for both the Fireworks on July 3rd and the Street Festival on the 4th, please submit a separate application for each event.
Each vendor space is 12’ wide by 10’ deep. No vendor booth or signage can extend beyond assigned space. The sidewalk behind your booth must remain open for foot traffic and emergency personnel. All vendor space will be inspected prior to opening to insure they are in compliance. Spaces are $200 each plus utilities as needed.
Each food truck will be provided a 36’ wide space. Electricity is limited, so generators should be your first option. Spaces are $400 each plus utilities as needed.
Each vendor space is 12’ wide by 10’ deep. No vendor booth or signage can extend beyond assigned space. All vendor space will be inspected prior to opening to insure they are in compliance. If you are applying for a space on both the Fireworks on July 3rd and the Street Festival on the 4th, please submit a separate application for each event. Firework spaces are $125 each.
If you request access to Electricity (240V-50A or 120V-20A), price is a flat $40 for Utilities including electricity and water hook up. Using this link, determine the type of electrical connector required and enter below.
PLEASE NOTE: Each vendor space is 12’ wide by 10’ deep. No vendor booth or signage can extend beyond assigned space. The sidewalk behind your booth must remain open for foot traffic and emergency personnel. All vendor space will be inspected prior to opening to insure they are in compliance.
***Vendors may not go onto a resident’s or business’ private property
Applicant must attach their proof of liability insurance in the amount of not less than, $1,000,000 per person, $1,000,000 per accident, $500,000 property. The Certificate of Insurance must list the Americana Festival, Inc. as an Additional Insured. Your insurance certificate must accompany your application.
**Pets are not permitted at the Americana Festival
After you apply online, you will receive an automated email confirming receipt of your application and containing important Food Vendor policies.